

is a space to connect, engage and be energised.

Nourish through a dynamic practice of yoga, choose our mindfulness program for an investment in your wellbeing, unlock your (business) leadership potential via a keynote session or webinar that focuses on mindfulness as a leadership skill


About Anu….

Anu is one of the top women executives in Australia and is a Yoga Australia certified yoga teacher.

She is a thought leader and is highly respected in the industry. She has developed a one of a kind program that combines her experience as an executive and a yogi which focuses on mindfulness as a powerful human skills. Her approach to yoga and mindfulness is dynamic and exploratory.

She is an inspiration to the next generation of Australia’s leaders and equally to aspiring Yogis!

Her mantra is “A strong mindfulness practice complements and enhances her leadership”. She believes a healthy mind and body are critical to be an effective leader.

Services offered


Yoga Sessions

Vinyasa: Powerful dynamic flow of asanas in an energetic sequence.
Yin: Paced asanas creating a deeper stretch through longer holds.
Core Flow: Asanas aimed at building a strong core.

Keynote Speaking Or Webinar

Keynote and motivational speaking on a wide range of topics including mindfulness as a tool for active listening, growth mindset, overcoming adversity, leadership and personal growth.

Corporate Mindfulness

Guided mindfulness sessions involving relaxation and breathing exercises that can help bring awareness to the present moment and engage in the now.


My intent and focus

Strengthen Your Body

Experience the numerous benefits a regular committed yoga and mindfulness practice offers. Increased energy, strength, stamina and flexibility to name a few. A committed yoga practice can enhance focus and performance.

Improve Your Wellbeing

The power of the mind has the ability to push past physical barriers. In addition to the physical health benefits, mindfulness sessions are aimed at settling and relaxing your mind. A relaxed mind can help with increasing focus and performance while reducing stress.

Enhance Your Leadership

Whether you are looking to be inspired or motivated, a new perspective or value add, the keynote speaking sessions create an open minded direction, independent thinking and immersive discussions that can bolster your Leadership.

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